60DaysOfK8s – Day 35 Network namespace

Network namespaces provide isolation of the system resources associated with networking: network devices, IPv4 and IPv6 protocol stacks, IP routing tables, firewall rules, etc.

Docker uses network namespace to isolate container network from host network. There are other types of namespaces that support the implementation of container.

Create and view network namespace

ip netns add <namespace name>
ip netns [list]

Use network namespace

Running commands in given namespace needs to include netns exec.

ip netns exec <namespace name> ip link list
ip -n <namespace name> ip link list

Communication between namespaces

The veth devices are virtual Ethernet devices. They can act as tunnels between network namespaces to create a bridge to a physical network device in another namespace, but can also be used as standalone network devices.

Create veth interface

Veth devices are always created in interconnected pairs. They are in default namespace.

ip link add <p1-name> type veth peer name <p2-name>

Attach veth pair to assigned namespace

Place one end of a veth pair in one network namespace and the other in another network, then communication between network namespaces is allowed.

ip link set <p1-name> netns <p1-ns>
ip link set <p2-name> netns <p2-ns>

OR do so while creating veth pair, 2 steps combined.

ip link add <p1-name> netns <p1-ns> type veth peer <p2-name> netns <p2-ns>

Assign IP address

ip -n <p1-ns> addr add <p1-ip> dev <p1-name>
ip -n <p2-ns> addr add <p2-ip> dev <p2-name>

A routing rule is automatically added when assigning the IP address.

Bring the interface up

ip -n <p1-ns> link set <p1-name> up
ip -n <p2-ns> link set <p2-name> up

Connectivity between host and namespaces

Create bridge interface

ip link add <interface name> type bridge

Bring the interface up

ip link set dev <interface name> up

Assign IP address

ip addr add <gateway ip> dev <interface name>

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